Sunday, July 26, 2015

Hidden camera catches rare footage of my #1 lesson in business

The most valuable lesson I have learned in the past 5 years of building an online business online, is that execution is king.

You can have the greatest ideas in the world... and all the courses under your belt - but if you can't take action and do the things that actually result in getting customers, you have no business. 

When it comes to creating marketing (whether it's an email, sales letter, sales webinar, etc), a mentor or mine put it best when he said; 'good enough, is good enough.'

It's this idea of being ok with not having things perfect.

In my own case, I used to be the guy who wanted to have ALL the answers before ever pulling the trigger on anything.

For example: from early 2009 to 2010, I could never work up the nerve to do a simple webinar.

I'd been on other marketers webinars before.  I'd bought products on their webinars before.  I knew that eventually, I should start doing my own.

But, I had no clue how. 

What software should I use?  What sort of content should I prepare?  How would I get people to actually show up?  And how would I get people to buy whatever I was selling?

Finally I just decided to do my first one. 

The rest is history.  I've since sold millions of dollars on webinars, and in many cases they are thrown with little preparation.

Good enough is good enough.

At a recent seminar in Melbourne I did, I was showing the audience just how fast they too can do their own webinars and create big pay days.

My Camtasia webcam was left on, so I captured a good part of the segment on video:

Creating Webinars

The audio is not great, but it's the lesson that is important;  floored execution is better than no execution at all.

In this case, I was showing them how to sell a course called 'Autoresponder Madness' (which just so happens to be the best course on email marketing available today).

The point I'm making is not that you should necessarily go and do a webinar.

It's that where you are today in your business (whether you run a 10m / year operation, or you are just beginning to learn internet marketing) is a direct result of how willing you are to execute on the things that bring you customers.

If you can find a way to speed that up - your business will start moving forwards a lot faster.

Hope that helps.