Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Magic Article Rewriter And Submitter - We Multiply Time And Money For You!
I want to broaden your imagination a little today:

Imagine that you are in a giant office space and you are surrounded by a 1000 computers.

One of the best software developers in the world has programmed all the computers for one purpose – to automatically rewrite all of your articles!

The programmer has setup everything to your exact specifications. Each computer will produce a unique article in a matter of seconds! Can you picture all this in your mind right now?

At your desk you have a mouse that controls all the computers in this massive office. You know that with only one click of the mouse the computers will come to life, all working on rewriting articles automatically for you!

And when they are done, they will submit your unique rewritten articles also automatically to over 700 content directories! This is all done with one sole purpose – driving insane amounts of traffic to your website in an instant!

Alright then....say “Hello” to the very system that existed only in your imagination a minute ago and bring it into reality. The only difference though is this system can do it all on ONE computer!

But now, let’s go back to that giant office space full of computers. Let’s imagine that you push the mouse button…and voila! In a matter of a minute or less the whole process is completed!

You sit in front of the main computer looking over the finished product. Your articles are easy to access because they are all stored in only one file folder!

When you take a close look at them, you notice that each and every one of them is completely unique and distinctive from all other articles in the folder!

You think to yourself… “Now that's what I call fast. I have thousands of unique articles and I got them all in less than one minute”

You may wonder...”What should I do with all this brand new content? Should I sell it to other internet marketers and make some money right away? Should I use it to sell my products? Should I drive traffic to my websites?

Ten minutes passes… A sinking thought hits you: “Oh… I forgot that all these computers were programmed, to submit my articles to the content directories. This will take forever. I better come back next week”.

You decide you probably should just head on home and come back in a few days to see how the computers are doing with all your submissions.

While starting to head for the door you notice something that stops you dead in your tracks. On over half the
monitors you see the words “Submission Completed”

You can't believe it! In less then another 10 minutes, every single monitor is blinking at you with the words “Submission Completed” You now have thousands of articles, submitted in over 700 directories!

Okay!!! Thousands of backlinks are all now pointing at YOUR websites all in a matter of 10 minutes! Can you believe it?

“I must be dreaming! No way this is real!” you say to yourself! Ah, but that's just it my friend. I’m not here to talk about dreams or unachievable goals!

I am here to tell you about REALITY. This is real and is ready at this very moment should you decide to use it!