Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Half a billion dollars in just 48 hours? Watch this!

On the following page you are going to be hearing about a guy who recently just came off a "crowdfunding" campaign that brought in $110k in the first 24 hours and then a further $500k+ in the following 30 days.
Now, you may have heard about Crowdfunding before...

You have probably seen stuff about it in the news.

But this is a little different.

See, there is a perception that crowdfunding is about "inventions" ...people trying to raise money (and therefore make money) with complex outer-planetary patent-pending ideas.

But as I learned today, in most cases, inventions are NOT actually where "the REAL money" is.

FAR from it in fact.

We are talking about really simple products here, put up by non-techie everyday people like you and me, who are subsequently making fortunes.

This is PROVEN by example #2 in the video: "The $6 Million Bicycle"

Intrigued? Find out more here!

Oh, and once you are registered, you're going to have a FUN little assignment to do :)

Go there now!

p.s this video will only be up for a day or two. Watch it now!