Monday, July 20, 2015

Reduce your options, make more sales

Who will sell more?

A vendor who offers 24 different varieties of his product... Or a vendor who offers only 6 varieties of the SAME product?

In a classic study conducted by Columbia and Stanford University professors, the answer was shocking.

The researchers set up a stand at a local grocery store. One week they offered 24 varieties of jam. 3% of the people who stopped at the booth bought jam.

The next week they set up the same stand at the sames store. But this time they only offered 6 varieties of the same jam.

And 30% of the people who stopped bought jam.

REDUCING the number options by 75% increased their sales by 1000%!

It's seems counterintuitive, but it works.

Offering too many options can confuse and befuddle customers. They prefer to make no decision at all rather than risk making the "wrong" one...and with so many options, the chances of making a wrong decision are greater!

Limit their choices, lower their perceived risk, make more sales.

At MTTB we keep our offerings to just a few. Presenting them at strategic points in the customer experience. Never overwhelming them with too many options.

And that strategy has allowed us to pay out over 20 million dollars in commissions in just a few short years.

It works.

Limiting options increases sales.

When you're ready to get your share of these commissions, click below...