Thursday, November 12, 2015

True Stories of God's Victories Over Evil

Have you been feeling overwhelmed by the presence of evil in this world, or perhaps by the challenges you face in your own life? Does it often feel like evil has a hold on you and doesn't want to let go?

We've created in ebook entitled "Escaping Evil: God's Justice Revealed Within World Legends" that can help you deal with these sorts of challenges. "Escaping Evil" is a wonderful tool for spiritual motivation and renewal that can encourage you to get back on your feet and change your outlook on the world.

The ebook is a compilation of the stories of faithful Christian men and women who have used their faith to do extraordinary things for the world. Read about how legends such as Bill Gates, Queen Elizabeth II, and Bono were able to escape the grip of evil by trusting in and relying on God.

These and the other legends described in "Escaping Evil" can provide with strong examples for how you too can have victory over evil by calling on God and trusting that He is always working towards your fulfillment and salvation. The stories in this ebook will help you believe that the Lord can overcome any obstacle that is put in His way.

So, what are you waiting for? If this sounds like the kind of spiritual boost you need, then you can get your copy of "Escaping Evil" right here.

God bless you,