Saturday, November 21, 2015

How to create your own compost from the organic waste?
For many people, composting is just an alternative way of dealing with rubbish.  It prevents the garbage bin from getting full and smelly.  It’s also a way of disposing of grass clippings and leaves, which saves many trips to the garbage depot.  Whilst these things are valid, they are not giving compost the full credibility it deserves.  Compost can be very valuable when used in the right way.

I have a completely different way of looking at compost.  To me, composting is a way of building valuable nutrients that will, one day, feed me and my family.  I only use compost on my vegetable gardens.  The way I manage my vegetable gardens means that composting is an integral part of the whole food production system.  I create compost as a way of collecting nutrients in one form (waste), and turning them into another form (food).  

The average person buys food from a shop, consumes it and then sends the waste away.  This is simply buying nutrients, taking what you need for that precise moment, and disregarding the remainder.  It’s a nutrient flow that only flows in one direction, like a fancy car roaring down the road.  You admire the car for a moment, but after a second or two, it’s gone.

My goal is to slow down the car and then get it to do a U-turn.  I want to keep the nutrients within my property where I can capitalize on them.  By doing this, I am able to use the nutrients again, so I don’t have to buy them for a second time.  Surely, that’s going to save me money.  It may seem strange to think of nutrients in this way when we can’t even physically see them.  However, all organic materials contain nutrients.  My goal is to get those nutrients out of the form they are in and into a form that is useful to me and my family.  

To put it in a different way; composting is a vehicle in which we are able to create a nutrient cycle within our property.  We are part of that cycle because we consume the nutrients when they are, for a brief time, in a useful form.  Then they return to the compost and slowly make their way into another useful form where we consume them again.  This cycle can go on and on indefinitely.  Of course, there will be many lost nutrients that you will never see again, but with a little diligence, you will be surprised at how much compost you can create, and hence, how many valuable nutrients you can recycle.
My composting system is large because I have a few large vegetable gardens.  I believe that the size of your vegetable garden should be determined by how much compost you can create, and not merely by the amount of space you have in your backyard.  To run a rich, high yielding vegetable garden you need to have some sort of soil conditioning plan, and the best thing for your soil is a generous layer of good compost on the surface a few times per year.  

If you can create your own compost from the organic waste that you generate in your everyday life, then you can have a vegetable garden that is self-sustainable.  Once it is set up, it will never need nutrients in the form of store-bought fertilizers.  You will have established a flow of nutrients, and your nutrient-store will grow bigger and bigger, year after year.  Applying compost to your garden will have a very positive effect on your soil structure and fertility.  With good soil structure and plenty of organic material, you will be able to release nutrients that have been locked up and unavailable to your plants.  You will be speeding up the flow of nutrients, thus increasing your yield significantly.  Your soil will become alive and healthy with micro-organisms and soil bacteria that are beneficial to creating the conditions for proper plant growth.  Your vegetables will contain all the essential nutrients in the correct proportions, giving your body the vitamins and minerals it needs to function at its best.

Composting is very easy once you make it part of your everyday life.  A small container on your kitchen bench to collect scraps and a daily trip to the compost bin is all it takes.  It’s a small effort for huge rewards.  The golden rule in making compost is never to have large clumps of a single type of material.  Thin layers of hot and cold materials work best.  Cold materials include leaves, shredded newspaper and dried grass clippings.  Hot materials include fresh grass clippings, manures, weeds, discarded soft plants and kitchen scraps. 

If you make composting part of you daily routine, along with an effective method of growing food, you can literally save thousands of dollars per year.  This is possible simply because you won’t have to keep buying nutrients over and over.  You will buy them once, hold onto them and then convert them into useful forms again and again.  It’s that simple!

The ultimate modern-day convenience veggie plot
When we think of organic gardening and permaculture we tend to conjure up images of leathery-skinned bearded warriors who dedicate their lives to working long days in their vegetable plots.  Whilst this may be a wonderful way to live your life, it doesn’t suit the average suburbanite with a full-time job and a hefty mortgage. 

Growing food is typically seen as either an art form or damned hard work.  It’s no wonder very few people do it on a serious level.  But what if a technique came along that was so easy and so prolific that even the busiest corporate executive could grow a significant portion of their family’s food in less time than it takes to drive to the shops.  Ecological gardening just might be the answer.  In my experience, it’s the ultimate modern-day convenience veggie plot.

I didn’t have a light bulb moment that said, “Ah, so this is ecological gardening”.  My vegetable garden was no different to anybody else’s for many years until I made a few changes.  The first and probably most significant was squeezing far more plants into a given area.  The second change was to never dig the soil.  And thirdly, I upgraded my composting system.  Once these simple strategies were in place I noticed the garden taking on a life of its own.  Weeds virtually stopped growing in the beds and plants started living much longer.  The garden could endure longer periods without water, I was yielding far more than I ever had and I could harvest every day of the year.   I wanted to know what was happening at a scientific level and applied my university training as an environmental scientist to understand why I was getting such amazing results.  I had to completely let go of all my preconceived ideas as a gardener and look at the plot through the eyes of an ecologist.  After some time I realized that I had created an ecosystem made up of edible plants, and it behaved in exactly the same way as a natural habitat.  I became more of an observer than a gardener and the role of head gardener was pulled from under my feet as nature took up the reins. 

Employ Nature, she works for free
The wonderful thing about nature is that she works tirelessly, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.  Nature follows very simple laws and works in the same way, on any system, anywhere in the world.  When we create an ecological garden we are creating a living, breathing ecosystem.  By doing this we get nature working for us, and not against us, and her great stamina works in our favour.

Niche Spaces and why they are important
A pristine ecosystem is made up of thousands of living and non-living components all coexisting in a given area.  Each living component occupies its own niche space and the role of the niche space is very important to understand when creating an ecological garden.  Let’s look at an example.  Imagine a giant rainforest tree crashing to the ground after standing tall for hundreds of years.  Such a large tree would have filled an enormous niche space.  Lying in the soil, hundreds of dormant seeds spring to life, desperately fighting for their opportunity to occupy the best real estate in the forest: the empty niche space.  The niche space is quickly filled and harmony is restored. 

When we look at a traditional vegetable garden with this type of insight, what we see is a very unnatural system.  There is very little diversity and a lot of empty niche spaces.  Nature enforces her will on vegetable gardens in exactly the same way she does a rainforest, and this means that empty niches spaces will be filled as quickly as possible.  However, in a traditional vegetable garden there are no desirable seeds waiting to fill the niches spaces, so weeds fill them instead. 

The solution is to create a garden that has tightly filled niche spaces so that weeds don’t have any opportunities.  We can do this by planting the garden very tightly with a diverse range of plants of differing shapes and characteristics.  The result is a dense jungle-like planting arrangement that can yield an unbelievable amount.  The denseness also creates a highly protected micro-climate.  This ideal growing environment causes your plants to last much longer.  Greens don’t bolt to seed as soon as a hot spell hits and cold sensitive plants are more protected as well.

How to manage an ecological garden
Managing an ecological garden is different to managing a traditional vegetable garden.  With an ecological garden, there is far less to do.  As you become the observer and allow nature to take over as head gardener, you will notice that the garden is in a continual state of gentle change, just like a natural ecosystem.  It can be difficult for the traditional gardener to stand back and observe as we, human beings, like to control things.  This style of gardening calls for a great deal of faith in natural laws. Sure, there will be times when you need to step in and direct the system in a certain way; however that is almost always because a certain plant species is getting too successful and the system is at risk of loosing diversity. 

Natural Pest Management
The dense mixed-up nature of the ecological garden creates a natural form of pest management.  Pests generally locate their target plant species using sight or smell.  Imagine how much more difficult it is to see your target plant when its outline is blurred by a sea of green.  And how on earth could you smell your target plant when there are so many conflicting smells. 

No More Need to Rotate Crops
Crop rotation is practiced by dedicated gardeners for a very good reason.  Different plants require different minerals from the soil, in different proportions.  After an area has been planted with a certain species, the soil can be left depleted of certain minerals.  To lessen the effects of this depletion a different crop will be planted in the area the following year.  In addition, many gardeners rest their garden beds periodically and grow a green manure crop, usually a legume such as Lucerne or field peas.  These plants add nitrogen from the atmosphere through a process called nitrogen-fixing.  However, crop rotation simply isn’t necessary with ecological gardening because the mixed-up planting arrangement counteracts the effects of mineral depletion because a single species doesn’t dominate a single area.  Likewise, green manure crops are not necessary as nitrogen is topped up in two ways.  Firstly, through planting edible legumes such as peas and beans within the jungle-like mass.  And secondly, by the addition of compost to the surface of any bare areas.

Compost is an important part of the ecological garden and is a very valuable commodity.  To me, composting is a way of building valuable nutrients that will, one day, feed me and my family.  The average person buys food from a shop, consumes it and then sends the waste away.  This is simply buying nutrients, taking what you need for that precise moment, and disregarding the remainder.  It’s a nutrient flow that only flows in one direction, like a fancy car roaring down the road.  You admire the car for a moment, but after a second or two, it’s gone.

My goal is to slow down the car and then get it to do a U-turn.  I want to keep the nutrients within my property where I can capitalise on them.  By doing this, I am able to use the nutrients again, so I don’t have to buy them for a second time.  In effect, I am creating a system that is self-sustainable.  Composting is a vehicle in which we are able to create a nutrient cycle within our property.  We are part of that cycle because we consume the nutrients when they are, for a brief time, in a useful form.  Then they return to the compost and slowly make their way into another useful form where we consume them again.  This cycle can go on and on indefinitely. 

Throw away the hoe
Natural ecosystems don’t require gardeners with shovels and hoes to come along every season to turn their soil, and neither does an ecological garden.  However, it is best not to walk on the garden beds as this will cause unnecessary compaction.  Of course, this requires the installation of permanent pathways that are positioned in a way that the gardener can obtain access to the plot. 
Digging soil upsets the soil structure which, in turn, reduces the soil’s ability to pass on valuable nutrients to plants.  The loss of soil structure also reduces the soil’s ability to hold water.  Developing good soil structure is actually the best water conserving technique I know, and when practiced in conjunction with a dense planting arrangement creates a holistic soil ecology management plan.  A dense planting arrangement will shade the soils surface, stopping surface crusting which causes runoff and nutrient depletion.  Developing good deeper structure will allow soil organisms to do what they do best – turn organic matter into available plant nutrients.   

Self Seeding
If you are lucky enough to visit a pristine rainforest you will probably be awestruck by the towering canopy.  However, the future of the rainforest lies in the soil in the form of seeds – tiny cells of life waiting for their opportunity to prosper.  If we are going to create an ecological garden then we have to make sure it too, has a future.  By allowing some plants to go to seed, we can build up seed stores, just like the rainforest.  And like the rainforest, we should aim to have thousands of seeds of many varieties spread right across our plot.  Most of these seeds will never germinate because in the ecological garden the niche spaces are so tightly filled that opportunities for new life are limited.  However, eventually a plant will be eaten and an empty niche space will appear.  If we have thousands of seeds lying dormant, the chances of the niche space being filled with something desirable are pretty good

Who should set up an ecological garden?
Absolutely everyone from farmers to inner-city townhouse dwellers.  It may seem strange, but if you have never grown food before then you are, in some ways, at an advantage.  Experienced gardeners may like to see themselves as adopting some ecological gardening techniques, but find it difficult to let go of the need to control the system.  Like all industries, the gardening industry can get stuck in doing things a certain way and most seasoned gardeners will inevitably over-work the garden.  As a species, human beings prospered when we learnt to cultivate food using tilling and other traditional agricultural methods, so it’s difficult to turn back to where we came from - nature.  It might even feel like a step in the wrong direction.  But if we can let go of our need to control every living thing on the planet, and start to work with nature, we actually gain more control by being able to grow food more efficiently than ever before.  It’s a paradox - but it works!

Setting up an ecological garden
Any existing vegetable garden can be converted into an ecological garden.  Firstly, get your pathways laid out so that you never have to walk on your garden beds again.  After that, get a good composting system going and apply it to the soil surface.  Then plant densely and diversely. 
If you don’t have a vegetable garden, my suggestion would be to create a classic Esther Deans ‘no dig’ garden to get you started.  Once erected, simply follow the ecological gardening method. 

Mini-ecological garden
If you live in a unit or townhouse with no soft ground you could create a mini-ecological garden using a series of containers.  Polystyrafoam boxes with drainage holes are ideal.  Fill them with good potting mixture and arrange them side by side using as many as you can fit onto your verandah or patio.  Rather than developing a large composting system, you could purchase a worm farm and add the worm casts to the soil surface as fertilizer.  Once the boxes are set up, simply adopt the ecological gardening method.
The Ecological Gardening Method – the key principles.
  1. Plant densely
  2. Plant a diversity of plants within a given area
  3. Get a good composting system set up and use the compost as a surface mulch on bare patches
  4. Allow some plants to go to seed
  5. Only interfere with the system when a single species of plant over-dominates and simply scratch out excess plants when they are small. 
 Growing food is not hard work, especially when you have nature helping you 24/7.  A small area can provide you with such a bounty of food, saving your family thousands of dollars per year.  Most of us don’t have much time to spend in the garden, including me.  I only invest around eight hours of time per year to growing my food, and although I live on a small farm I only use a space of around 6 x 6m.  That’s an area that could fit into many suburban backyards several times over.  The most wonderful thing about this method is that I know I can ignore my vegetable garden for months and it won’t miss a beat.  So, if you believe growing food is only for tough bearded warriors with lots of land and time, think again.  Ecological gardening could be just the thing for you.

How to create an ecological garden?
High yielding, low maintenance vegetable gardening that’s perfect for our modern-day lifestyle

When we think of organic gardening and permaculture we tend to conjure up images of bearded warriors dressed in overalls who dedicate their lives to working long days in their vegetable plots.  Whilst this may be a wonderful way to live your life, it doesn’t suit the average suburbanite with a full-time job and a hefty mortgage.  

Growing food is typically seen as either an art form or damned hard work.  It’s no wonder that very few people produce enough food to feed their family.  But what if a technique came along that was so easy and so prolific that even the busiest corporate executive could grow a significant portion of their family’s food in less time than it takes to drive to the shops.  Ecological gardening just might be the answer.  In my experience, it’s the ultimate modern-day convenience vegetable plot.

An ecological garden is an ecosystem made up of edible plants, and it behaves in exactly the same way as a natural habitat.  Over time, you become more of an observer than a gardener as you watch Mother Nature do most of the work.  

The wonderful thing about nature is that she works tirelessly, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.  Nature follows very simple laws and works in the same way, on any system, anywhere in the world.  To understand ecological gardening, observing natural ecosystems can provide us with the answers we need.  A natural ecosystem is made up of thousands of living and non-living components all coexisting in a given area.  Each living component occupies its own niche space and the role of the niche space is very important to understand when creating an ecological garden.  

Let’s look at an example.  Imagine a giant rainforest tree crashing to the ground after standing tall for hundreds of years.  Such a large tree would have filled an enormous niche space.  Lying in the soil, hundreds of dormant seeds spring to life, desperately fighting for their opportunity to occupy the best real estate in the forest - the empty niche space.  The niche space is quickly filled and harmony is restored. 

When we look at a traditional vegetable garden with this type of insight, what we see is a very unnatural system.  There is very little diversity and a lot of empty niche spaces.  Nature enforces her will on vegetable gardens in exactly the same way she does a rainforest, and this means that empty niches spaces will be filled as quickly as possible.  However, in a traditional vegetable garden there are no desirable seeds waiting to fill the niches spaces, so weeds fill them instead.  

The solution to this problem is to create a garden that has tightly filled niche spaces so that weeds don’t have any opportunities.  We can achieve this by using a planting arrangement that mimics a natural ecosystem.  This type of planting arrangement also creates a range of highly protected micro-climates.  This ideal growing environment causes your plants to last much longer.  Greens don’t bolt to seed as soon as a hot spell hits and cold sensitive plants are more protected as well.  The planting arrangement also creates a natural form of pest management.  

Managing an ecological garden is different to managing a traditional vegetable garden.  With an ecological garden, there is far less to do.  As you become the observer and allow nature to take over as head gardener, you will notice that the garden is in a continual state of gentle change, just like a natural ecosystem.  It can be difficult for the traditional gardener to stand back and observe, as many of us instinctively like to control things.  This style of gardening calls for a great deal of faith in natural laws. 

Absolutely everyone from farmers to inner-city townhouse dwellers can create an ecological garden.  It may seem strange, but if you have never grown food before then you are, in some ways, at an advantage.  Like all industries, the gardening industry can get stuck in doing things a certain way and most seasoned gardeners will inevitably over-work the garden.  As a species, human beings prospered when we learnt to cultivate food using tilling and other traditional agricultural methods, so it’s difficult to turn back to where we came from - nature.  It might even feel like a step in the wrong direction.  But if we can let go of our need to control every living thing on the planet, and start to work with nature, we actually gain more control by being able to grow food more efficiently than ever before.  It’s a paradox - but it works!

Growing food is not hard work, especially when you have nature helping you 24/7.  A small area can provide you with a bounty of food, saving your family thousands of dollars per year.  Most of us don’t have much time to spend in the garden, including me.  I only invest around eight hours per year to growing my food, and although I live on a small farm, I only use a space of around 6m x 6m.  That’s an area that could fit into many suburban backyards several times over.  The most wonderful thing about this method is that I know I can ignore my vegetable garden for months and it won’t miss a beat.  So, if you believe growing food is only for tough, bearded warriors with a lot of time - think again.  Ecological gardening could be just the thing for you.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Is ECO-Organic Vegetable Gardening Magic?
We all know how much hard work there is in growing vegetables - digging, weeding, crop rotation, watering, fertilizing, planting winter crops, resting beds, spraying pests and weeds - the list goes on and on.  So imagine a vegetable garden that didn’t need any of these things.  Imagine a garden that never had pests, never needed digging, didn’t need to be rested in winter, had no need for crop rotation, had virtually no weeds, needed very little water and virtually looked after itself.  But to top all that off, this garden produces many times more than a traditional vegetable garden and regenerates itself year after year, all by itself. 

Surely, that would be magic!

How could a vegetable garden like this exist?  Easily!  The answer is in nature.  Natural ecosystems are very healthy and diverse and don’t require any human interference.  If we are able to take the same natural laws that are found in nature and apply them to our garden, we are able to reproduce the same results.  And that’s exactly what the Food4Wealth method has done.

The Food4Wealth method is based on science.  It follows very sound ecological principles.  It’s a way of setting up a natural ecosystem using edible plants, and it uses the types of plants we all like to eat.  The special planting arrangement mimics nature so the same interdependent relationships between the living components exist.  These relationships are mutually beneficial for the various components, so the vegetable garden actually runs all by itself. 

The people in the family who own the Food4Wealth plot are actually one of the important living components.  They perform a similar task to a grazing animal in a natural ecosystem.  The Food4Wealth plot actually benefits from regular harvesting, just as a natural ecosystem benefits from regular grazing.  These plots are so prolific, that they need almost daily harvesting.  Regular harvesting maintains the ideal vegetation balance required to run the garden like a natural ecosystem.  It’s the ultimate win win situation.  Harvesting is good for the people, but it’s also good for the garden.

The biggest challenge that faces modern agricultural practices is to incorporate pest ecology, plant ecology, soil ecology and crop management into a method that is reliable and efficient.  And until now, that has never been achieved.  The Food4Wealth method naturally combines all of these factors without any effort.  You see, nature has had these things under control for millions of years.  It’s only humans who have made things more complicated.

But the path is now clear, because Food4Wealth has laid the foundations for a healthier, more efficient and reliable way to grow food.  It’s a simple method that sets things up as nature intended, so that problems simply don’t exist. 

So, to answer the question - is it magic? 

No, it isn’t magic, but it sure feels like it.

What is Ecological Gardening?
The term Ecological Gardening seems to be gaining popularity.  But what is it?  My experience with Ecological Gardening started many years ago.  You see, I have always been a fence sitter.  As a teenager I could never make my mind up whether I wanted to be a horticulturist or an environmental scientist.  And sometimes I’m still a little unsure!

Fortunately, I have been able to gain qualifications in both.  My specialty is in growing food using ecological principles.  But I’m not talking about some sort of alternative hippie technique.  I’m talking about sound scientific principles.

In my experience, the study of natural ecosystems will reveal everything we need to know about growing food.  Natural ecosystems are generally diverse and there are a number of intricate interdependent relationships occurring between the living and non-living components at any given time.  Put simply, each component relies and benefits from its interaction with other components.  They fuel up on each other, causing the system to be able to sustain itself.  If one part of the system gets ‘out of whack’, the whole system is affected.

When studying a natural ecosystem, such as a diverse pristine rainforest we find that there are many living components co-existing in a given area.  Each of these components occupies a niche space.  If a component, let’s say a plant, is removed by an animal eating it, we are left with an empty niche.  An empty niche provides an opportunity for another life form to fill the space.  In natural ecosystems, nature does not tolerate empty niche spaces.  Once the niche becomes available, there will be a whole host of willing opportunists ready to fill that space.  Dormant seeds, sometimes decades old, will spring to life and quickly try to occupy it. 

The same thing happens when we are trying to grow food.  In any agricultural practice, such as a vegetable garden, there are always empty niche spaces.  And remember, nature doesn’t tolerate empty niche spaces.  So weeds will try to fill the empty niche spaces.  Weeds are very good niche space fillers.  They are the ultimate colonizing plants.  So as we can see there is no difference in the way nature works, whether it is in a pristine natural ecosystem or a vegetable garden.

Ecological Gardening aims to create a system where nature works for us, and not against us.  It is actually quite easy to have a weed-free vegetable garden.  You simply do one of two things.  Firstly, you avoid having empty niche spaces.  And secondly, you make sure there is something desirable to fill niche spaces, should they become available.  That’s just one simple example, but Ecological Gardening can easily prevent a number of problems from ever arising. 

My experience with Ecological Gardening has been phenomenal.  I have been able to combine natural weed management, soil ecology, pest ecology and crop management into a very simple and easy method.  In fact, I have been able to create a garden that requires very little attention and produces far more than a traditional vegetable garden, simply by applying sound scientific principles.  And from the incredible results that I have achieved, I can say, with absolute certainty, that Ecological Gardening is the way we will be producing food in the future.

DIY tools to grow your own food!
Traditional vegetable gardens require an enormous amount of hard work and attention - weeding, feeding and strict planting schedules.  There is also the problem of seasonality, allowing beds to rest during the cooler months producing nothing at all.  Then we are told to plant green manure crops, add inorganic fertilizers and chemicals to adjust imbalanced soils.  It takes a lot of time, dedication and a year-round commitment to grow your own food the traditional way. 
But does it really need to be that difficult?
Let me ask you this question.  Does a forest need to think how to grow?  Does its soil need to be turned every season?  Does someone come along every so often and plant seeds or take pH tests?  Does it get weeded or sprayed with toxic chemicals?
Of course not! 

Traditional vegetable gardening techniques are focused on problems.  Have you noticed that gardening books are full of ways to fix problems?  I was a traditional gardener for many years and I found that the solution to most problems simply caused a new set of problems. In other words, the problem with problems is that problems create more problems

Let’s take a look at a common traditional gardening practice and I will show you how a single problem can escalate into a whole host of problems.

Imagine a traditional vegetable garden, planted with rows of various vegetables.  There are fairly large bare patches between the vegetables.  To a traditional gardener, a bare patch is just a bare patch.  But to an ecologist, a bare patch is an empty niche space.  An empty niche space is simply an invitation for new life forms to take up residency.  Nature does not tolerate empty niche spaces and the most successful niche space fillers are weeds.  That’s what a weed is in ecological terms - a niche space filler.  Weeds are very good colonizing plants.  If they weren’t, they wouldn’t be called weeds. 

Now back to our story.  Weeds will grow in the empty niche spaces.  Quite often there are too many weeds to pick out individually, so the traditional gardener uses a hoe to turn them into the soil.  I have read in many gardening books, even organic gardening books, that your hoe is your best friend.  So the message we are getting is that using a hoe is the solution to a problem.

However, I would like to show you how using a hoe actually creates a new set of problems.  Firstly, turning soil excites weed seeds, creating a new explosion of weeds.  And secondly, turning soil upsets the soil ecology.  The top layer of soil is generally dry and structureless.  By turning it, you are placing deeper structured soil on the surface and putting the structureless soil underneath.  Over time, the band of structureless soil widens.  Structureless soil has far less moisture holding capacity, so the garden now needs more water to keep the plants alive. 

In addition to this problem, structureless soil cannot pass its nutrients onto the plants as effectively.  The garden now also needs the addition of fertilisers.  Many fertilisers kill the soil biology which is very important in building soil structure and plant nutrient availability.  The soil will eventually turn into a dead substance that doesn’t have the correct balance of nutrients to grow fully developed foods.  The foods will actually lack vitamins and minerals.  This problem has already occurred in modern-day agriculture.  Dr Tim Lobstein, Director of the Food Commission said. "… today's agriculture does not allow the soil to enrich itself, but depends on chemical fertilisers that don't replace the wide variety of nutrients plants and humans need."  Over the past 60 years commercially grown foods have experienced a significant reduction in nutrient and mineral content.

Can you see how we started with the problem of weeds, but ended up with the new problems of lower water-holding capacity and infertile soils.  And eventually, we have the potentially serious problem of growing food with low nutrient content.  Traditional gardening techniques only ever strive to fix the symptom and not the cause. 

However, there is a solution!  We must use a technique that combines pest ecology, plant ecology, soil ecology and crop management into a method that addresses the causes of these problems.  This technique must be efficient enough to be economically viable.  It also needs to be able to produce enough food, per given area, to compete against traditional techniques. 

I have been testing an ecologically-based method of growing food for several years.  This method uses zero tillage, zero chemicals, has minimal weeds and requires a fraction of the physical attention (when compared to traditional vegetable gardening).  It also produces several times more, per given area, and provides food every single day of the year.

My ecologically-based garden mimics nature in such a way that the garden looks and acts like a natural ecosystem.  Succession layering of plants (just as we see in natural ecosystems) offers natural pest management.  It also naturally eliminates the need for crop rotation, resting beds or green manure crops.  Soil management is addressed in a natural way, and the result is that the soil’s structure and fertility get richer and richer, year after year.  Another benefit of this method is automatic regeneration through self-seeding.  This occurs naturally as dormant seeds germinate; filling empty niche spaces with desirable plants, and not weeds. 

Unfortunately, the biggest challenge this method faces is convincing traditional gardeners of its benefits.  Like many industries, the gardening industry gets stuck in doing things a certain way.  The ecologically-based method requires such little human intervention that, in my opinion, many people will get frustrated with the lack of needing to control what’s happening.  Naturally people love to take control of their lives, but with this method you are allowing nature to take the reins.  It’s a test of faith in very simple natural laws.  However, in my experience these natural laws are 100% reliable. 

Another reason that traditional gardeners may not like this method is that it takes away all the mysticism of being an expert.  You see, this method is so simple that any person, anywhere in the world, under any conditions, can do it.  And for a veteran gardener it can actually be quite threatening when an embarrassingly simple solution comes along. 

I have no doubt that this is the way we will be growing food in the future.  It’s just commonsense.  Why wouldn’t we use a method that produces many times more food with a fraction of the effort?  I know it will take a little while to convince people that growing food is actually very instinctual and straightforward, but with persistence and proper explanation, people will embrace this method.  

Why?  Because sanity always prevails…

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

The starter guide to DIY Aquaponics

Have you looked into Aquaponics yet?

Andrew from Easy DIY Aquaponics has been kind enough for me to give his starters guide away for free.

<< Get the Starters guide here >>

This guide will show you everything there is about Aquaponics...

He is only giving away 100 copies of the starter guide so make sure you download yours or you might miss out.

How to DIY Aquaponics?
A couple of days ago  week I write you about DIY Aquaponics.

>> Easy DIY Aquaponics <<

And we have had a massive response!

Over 210 others have taken me up on this offer and they love it!

The DIY Aquaponics kit now includes step-by-step video instructions of Andrew building his system all on camera.

You will be able to copy his system and start growing your own plants.

If you don’t know the advantages of Aquaponics, check this out:

- USDA Approved gardening technique
- No soil needed
- No weeds!
- Grows plants 4 times faster
- No pesticides are needed

<< Get your copy now >>

Here is some feedback from other new Aquaponic users:

I literally spend less than 5 minutes a month on my Aquaponic garden and produce more food than my family can eat. Very happy!”.

Amazing product, love the video guide”.

Too easy, built my system in a couple of hours”.

<< Watch the Aquaponics Video here >>

Too good health...

A great new way to grow organic food
A couple of months ago my friend Andrew told me about this great new way to grow Organic food.

Get this,

- It grows your food 4X faster.        
- There is ZERO maintenance.
- FISH do all the work for you.   

Yep that's right, fish!

It's called Aquaponics and its taken the world by storm.

>> Watch this video here as it's all explained <<

As you can see in the video, it's easy to build the Aquaponics system and the benefits are obvious.

- NO weeding
- NO soil
- NO bugs
- USDA Organic approved technique

This aquaponics system has been featured on news channels all over the world and the technique is PROVEN to work.

>> Watch this Aquaponics video now <<

Are you and your family ready for when the grid goes down?
Are you and your family ready for the next extended power outage? Or more importantly, are you ready in case a power crisis happens ...or for when our country's aging energy grid goes down because of a natural disaster or terrorist attack?

Often times, people think that just having a generator will suffice...

But that will only work for so long (and it's really expensive to run)...

That's why you need your own free, renewable power source (at home) that will keep pumping out power for you and your family indefinitely.

Until recently this was only possible if you purchased an overpriced solar panel system (or wind turbines) from a solar retail company...

But this video explains a new, easy way to get free and renewable power at home...

Not only does this method allow anybody to produce their own free energy at home; it also allows them to be self-sufficient and energy independent - so when "you know what, hits the fan" you'll be ready and still have power (even if everyone else in your area doesn't).

Big Energy hates this video though, and their lawyers will certainly start pressuring them to take it down...

So, go here to Watch This Secret Video Before Its Taken Down

To your energy indepdendence and lower energy bills,

P.S. Seriously, if you are at all interested in creating your own off-grid power source, lowering your energy bills, and preparing with your own renewable power source (at home); you need to see this video ASAP. 

Watch it here now before it's too late.

Our country's energy grid is about to go down..

You probably already know this disturbing fact ...but our country's aging energy grid and our nation's overall "energy security" is more unstable and at risk than ever before. And it get's worse every day.

Our energy grid is very vulnerable to natural disasters, terrorist attacks and other castastrophies...
And our country is still far too depedent on nations that hate us for the fuel that runs this country (especially since liberals in Washigton are waging a war on coal - which in turn, make us more reliant on these other nations)...

I don't think I need to tell you this, but it's time to finally break free and become energy indepdenent...

And there is a easy new way to do this. But let me warn you, "Big Energy" doesn't want you to see this...

This is a new (and very easy) way anyone can become more energy independent (and cut their power bill) starting this afternoon.

But you need to see this now...

To lower power bills and your energy independence.

P.S. I really recommend you stop what you're doing right now and watch this short presentation. I don't know how much longer they can leave it up..

This device allows anyone to produce free power at home

Their friends in Washigton and their lawyers want this video taken down ASAP...


Well, right now "Big Energy" has a monopoly on our energy supply ...but this little secret allows ANYONE to break free and produce their own free, renewable power at home.

You can see the new video here!
This video shows how YOU, your family, your friends ...and basically anyone can easily create their own (free) energy at home!

This is a game changer...

See it here now:

The power lie they don't want you to know..
This may upset you, but you've been lied to...

Over and over again...

If you're like most people I bet you’ve heard the cost of your power bills are going up and there's really nothing you can do about it...

Or you've heard making your own power at home is hard or expensive...

Both of these lies couldn't be further from the truth because producing your own power at home is easy and dirt cheap!

You just need proper step-by-step instructions...

And luckily my friend, Jeff Davis, shows you how to produce your own simple, cheap, and reliable power at home in this new video...

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Simple trick to cut your electric bill up to 75%
I'm writing you real quick because it's really important that you stop whatever you're doing, find a quiet place and watch this short video while you still can...

>> Graphic <<

My friend Jeff Davis reveals the REAL reason you're paying so much for electricity...

And he shows you how to SLASH your electric bill by up to 75% using a simple new method.

If you're like me, and you've sick and tired of electricity prices going up month after month...
...and you want to DO something about it, you owe it to yourself to watch this video ASAP.

Jeff's a great guy who knows what it's like to struggle to pay overpriced power bills each month while also working hard to support his family...

But Jeff finally had enough one day when he and his family lost power for several days and they were in pretty dire straits. He was DONE paying for overpriced power that was so unreliable...

His story is a little shocking but you won't believe it until you see it.

Watch the video now though because I don't know how much longer it will be up.

P.S. copy and paste this link in to your browser's address bar if the links above don't work.

Why you're really overpaying for power?
A brand new video just came out that you need to watch as soon as you can...

This video reveals why you are overpaying for power and what you can do this afternoon to significantly lower your energy bills!

****** GRAPHIC ********

The simple trick they show you in this video can cut your electric bill starting this month (some people are even reporting savings of up to 75%)!

If you're not technical... It does NOT matter! In fact, what the man in the video (Jeff Davis) shows you how to do is so easy to do, I think young kids can do!

But this video probably won't be up for much longer because it reveals things that the power monopolies (and their buddies in Washington) don't want YOU knowing and they will surely try to get this taken down...

So watch it while you still can.

Click here to watch the video.

60 days to read Warrens plans and designs!
Just a final reminder about Warrens shipping container plans.

He is offering a full 60 day satisfaction guarantee on his plans and designs.

So you just need to purchase his plans from his site.  Then you have a full 60 days to read and pick at his plans.

Take a full 59 days if you want to.  If you’re not happy for any reason, just sent a quick email and he will honor his guarantee.  No questions and no hassle.

Be quick though, He usually charges a whopping $247 for his guide but it’s now only $47 for my subscribers.  So make sure you get it now before the price goes back up!

= Get his plans right here.

Remember, you have 60 days to put his guide to the test and you are also getting his guide for a huge discount off the regular price.

=> Last chance, get your copy here.

Warren’s container home plans and designs
You might be wondering, “Why on Earth use an old shipping container to build a home?”


Afford-ability: Building a container home is extremely cost effective. If you've already looked into the cost of new or second hand container you obviously know what I mean.

Design: You can easily modify shipping container to create a modern sleek look.

Strength: Shipping containers are built extremely strong with few weak points making them a great starting point.

Time: Because the majority of the home is already built you can have a complete home built in record time. 

Unique: Even though container homes are on the rise they are still unique and will stand out from every other home. 

Green: Recycling an old shipping container and using it to build with is a great green idea and many others will see the important example you're setting. As you can see, there are many benefits!

=> Start your dream home here

Containers make the perfect holiday home for a fraction of the cost of a regular home.

Basically, once you have the container in place, you’re ready for the fit out!

This has to be the coolest thing I’ve seen – Green Too!
I’ve sent some pretty cool ideas out over the months, but this has to be one of the best ideas out there.. And greenest too!

The idea is to build a home from an old shipping container.  I’ve teamed up with a fella that goes by the name of Warren Thatcher.

He’s a professional builder by trade.  But, not your average builder.

You see, he uses old shipping containers to build exciting and creative homes for a fraction of the price of building a home using conventional methods.

=> Check out some of his creative designs here

Warren’s been building container homes for the past 14 years and over that time he’s helped hundreds of others build their very own container home.

No he’s really putting his knowledge to the test because he’s personally invited you to try out his DIY container home plans.

=> See the plans

Go ahead, take a look at Warren’s plans and designs.  Some of them are really cool and it’s hard to believe he’s used old shipping containers for the foundation.

=> Look at these container home

How to create amazing outdoor landscapes for your home?

Landscaping Ideas Have you ever wanted to create amazing outdoor landscapes for your home?

I've just discovered this and you need to check it out below.

You'll get instant access to over 7000 of the freshest landscaping ideas & videos to help you create your dream landscape...

And you can start in the next 7 minutes!

With over *7000* landscaping designs and ideas, this is the 1-stop comprehensive database of landscaping themes and inspiration for your next project.

I've used 2 of the ideas to re-design my backyard in a weekend!

You'll LOVE it because it makes landscaping laughably easy!

Ideas4Landscaping will save you money and give you the choices that you would otherwise not find.

With this database, you'll truly be able to choose the "dream home" landscape you've always wanted to have.

The "golden-goose" for woodworking businesses

Wood Profits Banner 2 days ago, I told about about Jim's WoodProfit course.

I've spoken on the phone with Jim Morgan and I'm just blown away by his simple and effective strategy to make money using his basic woodworking skills.

He started his woodworking business with NO capital,a few shop tools, and a lot of nerve, in a small 10x20 foot space and grew it into a 1,400 space in the first few months while still remaining as a one-person business!

Now if you want earn some pocket money during this recession and run an easy to start and fun business, then you'll LOVE this guide.

It contains all the information you need to start making money from the very first job...


I've been told by Jim that there's only *8* slots left for the free bonus and one-on-one coaching.

Once he fill up these last 8 spots, I can assure you it will not be repeated.

So I urge you to get the bonus and be among the 8 people.

P.S. P.S: My favorite section of the guide is where Jim gives you 10 of his TOP-SELLING wood crafts. This is really the "golden-goose" for woodworking businesses.

Make money with your woodworking skills!

Wood Profits Banner If you'd like an easy way to earn part-time income by doing something FUN, go check this out now.

My friend Jim, has successfully run a HIGHLY profitable woodworking business from home and he has just released his step-by-step blueprint.

It is a no-fluff step by step guide to create a part-time woodworking business, selling easy-to-build wood crafts, from HOME ...with NO capital or experience required.

He started out with little carpentry skills and run a business in a 10x20 feet space with ZERO capital....

But managed to made $9000 per month as a one-person business within the FIRST year!

The cool thing is, you don't have to be an expert woodworker to start this business as it's packed with solid STEP-BY-STEP instructions and information on what to do to turn your *passion into profit*.

Act on this quickly before the door shuts as the offer may be taken down very soon...

P.S: The *one-on-one* coaching Jim provides is worth much more than the entire package. I think he's crazy to offer that at the price but go check it out and judge for yourself:

How to build solar and wind power system with an extremely limited budget?

My name is Tomas and I have spent a great part of my life working for power plants and electricity companies. I am now retired and I no longer fear to share what I have learned over the years. Power companies are charging you way too much for electricity! They have been using the recent fuel problems to justify their price increases, but this just isn't fair to people like you and I.

You know why?

Click here to check it out online now 

Because power production costs are way under what people believe them to be!

Power companies are charging ridiculously high costs for their electricity because they know that no matter how much they ask you to pay for it, you will HAVE to pay it. Who can live without electricity, right? I am here to help you get out of this exploitation circle. My Energy2Green kit is going to teach you everything you need to know to reduce your utility bills to $10 a month or even eliminate them completely. Even better: if you produce more energy than you use, the power company will actually pay you for your electricity!

Click here to start using the system foryourself

Windmills and solar panels are being sold at prices averaging $3000. I am here to teach you how to make your own for less than $200!

My Energy2Green manual is going to teach you everything you need to know to convert your house into a green home even with an extremely limited budget.

Most people believe the only way to get solar and wind power is to buy factory-built panels and windmills and that it is too costly to be envisageable by average-class people. WRONG! I am here to show you the OTHER way most people don't know about. The CHEAP way.

Monday, November 16, 2015

ProTreeArt: An excellent Presentation Tool

Banner-Promo-336x280 How many times have you had a great tree photo but wish you could silhouette or deep-etching it? Whether it's to put on a white background or just about any background of your choosing, you know how time consuming it can be to crop out the background of a photo. With this incredible bundle from PROTREEART, your prayers are answered! Every high-quality cut-out plant images in this collection comes with a transparent background so you can easily and quickly place them anywhere you'd like. As easy as drag and drop!

Not only do you get a library of images with transparent backgrounds, but you also get 900 of them! Perfect for designers looking to change things up on a number of different sites. Truly a great addition to any artist's toolbox!

For your info, PROTREEART is a great graphic tool for creating effective architectural visualization these library will add life and lights to your design presentations. PROTREEART cut-out images are ideal, complementing elements for commercial and residential architectural visualizations. Instead of using 3D-models which require extensive computing resources, this PROTREEART is the intelligent way of depicting tree models in a variety of perspectives. The cut-out plants are perfect "cut-outs", in PSD format for Photoshop users or in JPG format for other software's users.

You will receive 900++ high quality photorealistic cut-out plant images of Plams, Cornifers, Trees, Medium Trees, Lawn Textures, Bamboos, Hedges, Topiaries, Cypress, Shrubs, Flowering Shrubs, Vines, Palm Top Views, Foreground Trees and Pots. All of our cut-out plant images are in high quality resolution for printing in variety of styles.

Get The Lean Bells MK-3 System!
Since you're one of my loyal followers, I just wanted to write you real quick to let you know that the doors will be closing soon on the discount for the Lean Bells MK-3 System tonight.

Y'know, the one I've been talking about for the last few days ;)

In fact...

Gavin will be getting up early doors tomorrow morning to bump up the price.


You’ll probably never see this system priced this low again…

So… just a quickie to make sure you don't miss out.

It’s on sale right now and it comes with my personal guarantee which you know means I’ll take care of you if the program isn't everything you expected and more.

Once the deadline goes, that’s it.

If you want access at this price, it’s now or never.

Here’s the last link I’m gonna send you…

ABSOLUTE LAST CHANCE ==> Get The Lean Bells MK-3 System And Save Big

Give it a shot and you won’t be disappointed!

Lean Bells MK-3 Fat Loss System
Over the last few days I've been bragging about this "odd" tool and how you can crank up your metabolism with the brand new Lean Bells MK-3 system.

It's a full on fitness and fat loss system that'll help tone and tighten your whole body.

I’ve even tried a couple of the workouts myself.

They’re pretty awesome.

The only catch is that you've now got less than 20 hours to take advantage of the "grand opening" discount.

==> Lean Bells For Maximum Fitness & Fat Loss (Over 60% off) 

But before you go and check it out, here's  just a few of my top reasons you should jump on this...

1. Enjoy Exercising

We've all been there...wondering how much time we've got left until we can stop and can get off the dreadmill/elliptical, you look down and "OMG, still got 23 minutes left!"

With this new plan you won't have to spend so long working out and the time will fly by because using a kettlebell is actually quite enjoyable and dare I say, fun.

2. Tone & Tighten

As well as giving you TWO follow along workouts, I've thrown in 36 workouts that you can use as and when you like to help tone and tighten your belly, boost your fitness and wake up your fat loss hormones.

And to go even further, I'll even email you twice a week with a workout reminder (if you want) to keep you super focused and get you into a rhythm of exercising regularly, so that you can keep the fat away long term.

3. Unleash The Fountain Of Youth

You'll not only fire up your metabolism using the MK-3 method, but you'll also rattle your hormonal mojo which in turn tips the balance in favour of fat loss AND gives you an anti-ageing boost. So...

You'll look leaner and younger...happy days!

==> Lean Bells MK-3 Fat Loss Sytem (Over 60% off)

4. Increase Core Strength

Want a stronger core?

By using this "odd" tool you can strengthen your core by 70% without hundreds of sit-up variations.

5. Save Time

By combining cardio and resistance training you can save yourself a lots of time AND get better results.

One study found that you can get 10X the results by combining cardio and resistance, which is exactly what the Lean Bells MK-3 system does.

6. There are TWO follow along workouts and LOTS of coaching videos

For those that are new to the World of kettlebell training Gavin’s got you covered with done-for-you coaching videos and even TWO follow along workouts.

Discover how to use the kettlebell correctly and you'll keep fat at bay for years to come.

==> Lean Bells For Maximum Fitness & Fat Loss (Over 60% off)

7. Money Back Guarantee

Gavin believes in Lean Bells 100%, which is why he’s more than happy to give you a money back guarantee.

If you don't like the program or you don't see results within the first few weeks, then just let him know and he'll refund every penny.

Sound fair?

So, if you want to burn more fat in 20 minutes than most people burn in 90 minutes or more on a dreadmill…

Then here you go...

Lean Bells For Less Than Half Price, ZERO risk <== Last Chance

I hope you take advantage and don’t miss out!

Best Core Exercise Ever

When it comes to working your abs most people do the same old, same, week after week...

Hundreds of different sit-up variations over and over again…and boring planks.

The problem with this is that many of these exercises are ineffective and worst case scenario, damn right dangerous.

Good news is that there is a far better exercise that will strengthen ALL of your core muscle in a totally unique way.

It’s called the Turkish Get Up and here’s a look at how it’s done.

 TGU Collage.jpg

This is my one of my all time fave exercises and as you can see, most people use a kettlebell to perform this core exercise.

The kettlebell alone has been shown to improve core strength by 70%, but when you combine it with exercises like the Turkish Get Up your results will be on another planet.

To discover how to use a kettlebell to spike your metabolism, increase your fitness and melt fat in as little as 20 minutes 2-3 times a week I highly recommend you read the article below...

5 Best Exercises For Burning Max Calories
So you wanna burn more calories?

Makes sense...

Burn more calories, lose more fat...right?

So, lets get stuck in with my top 5...

5. Indoor Rowing

A 185-pound guy can burn 377 calories during 30 minutes of vigorous rowing, or about 12.5 calorie per minute, reports a Harvard University study.

And because you need to utilize the muscles in your arms, legs, and back for efficient strokes, it's a great total-body workout.

4. Tabata Jump Squats

This four-minute miracle drill burns some major calories (and legs).

In an Auburn University study, participants who did eight rounds of all-out jump squats—20 seconds of hard work, separated by 10 seconds of rest—burned 13.4 calories per minute.

3. Burpees

Love or hate them, they sure do pack a punch.

A 180-pound person burns can burn around 1.43 calories per burpee.

So if you can hammer out at least seven a minute you're in the double digits :)

But ideally you should shoot for at least 10 every 60 seconds, or a rate of 14.3 calories per minute.

2. Running (High Intensity)

Sorry to say, that the slow-go stuff won't get you up on the leader board.

But if you throw in some high intensity sprint work followed by recovery several times you can crank out up to 15.3 calories per minute.

1. Kettlebell Swing

This powerful exercise works every muscle on your backside as well as your core muscles.

Now, according to research from the University of Wisconsin, the average person can burn 20.2 calories a minute during a 20 minute workout.

Pretty impressive, right?!

That's 400 calories in 20 minutes.

Let me put this into perspective for you…

To burn 400 calories in 20 minutes of running you’d need to get your legs moving at 6 minute mile pace, which is well out of reach for most people.

There's no denying it, the swing is a great exercise.

Not only are you able to burn a mahoosive amount of calories in a short space of time, but you can also triple your post calorie burn too.

And thats largely because of the hormonal shake-up that comes with using a kettlebell.

The bizarre thing is that there's so much more to the kettlebell than the simple swing and I'll show you on the next page...

==> Discover The MK-3 Secret That Skyrockets Your Metabolism

I’m addicted to this “odd” tool

I've been hooked for years.

No denying it, I hold my hands up.

It's possibly the best addiction I've ever had.

When it comes to keeping fit and burning fat, I’ve tried just about everything…

Yet, I’ll always come back to this “odd” tool again and again!

Plus, whenever I’m short of time I know can get a bad-ass workout at home that’ll spike my metabolism, burn fat and boost my fitness in 20 minutes or less.

You’ll find out more about my “odd” friend and how I use it below...

==> I’m Addicted To This “Odd” Tool

A-List Celebrities Use This “Bizarre” Farm Tool

She’s in awesome shape, right?

Yeah, she is! :)

Want to know what her secret is?

Well, she uses a bizarre Russian farm tool to keep her body toned, sexy and wobble free.

Jessica Biel isn’t the one only either…

Matthew Mcconaughey, Angelina Jolie, Gerard Butler and Jennifer Anniston also use this tool to stay in great shape for the big screen.

Discover how this bizarre tool can transform your body along with the brand new MK-3 protocol in as little as 20 minutes 2-3 times a week...

Incredible 175% Boost In Your Metabolism!

What if there was a way to spike your metabolism by 175% in as little as 20 minutes.

Would you tap into that source?

Of course you would, it would be rude not too :)

And the good news is that you’ll find out how to on the next page...

==> How To Spike Your Metabolism By 175%
