Tuesday, August 25, 2015

You are the cause of the affair!

Where does your pain, agony and feeling of devastation come from?

From your cheating spouse, correct?


Your spouse’s betrayal is a HUGE, GIGANTIC-beyond-belief trigger.

But, let’s peel back the layers of pain and see from where that poison springs.

Here’s what those in your situation commonly think:
  • What did I do wrong? I could have been more sexy, more attentive, more caring, more supportive and the what-could-I-have-done list has no ending.
  • There must be something wrong with me! What makes me so unlovable? What about me turned my spouse off?
  • I must lack something. My spouse obviously is getting something form the other person that they didn’t get from me.
  • The other person must be better than me.
Your pain and devastation seeps from your belief that you are not only defective but you are the CAUSE of the affair!

There seems to be nothing left of you (at least something that has value.)

Allow me to interrupt.

95% of the wounded spouses I work with come to me believing most of the above about themselves.

But, those beliefs are downright lies and misconceptions.

You did not CAUSE from lack or mistakes the affair.

Your spouse’s affair was their decision and had absolutely nothing to do with your value - even though they might blame you or the marriage for their betrayal.

Your spouse’s affair had everything to do with their conflicted and ailing internal and mental state.

So, what do you do to alleviate your pain and devastation?

The first step is getting a grasp on what it was that triggered within your spouse the affair.

You must understand and acknowledge THEIR problem.

Then you are free to more effectively address the affair and relationship.

Dr. Huizenga has researched and specialized in infidelity and helped thousands as a Marriage and Family Therapist.

His research has uncovered 7 different types of affairs (and none of them have to do with your lack or mistakes.)

These 7 types help you understand the profound, true and REAL reasons for the affair.

Once you understand the type of internal motor that fuels your spouse’s behavior two wonderful things happen: you feel better (hey, this is NOT my problem) and you begin to formulate new ways to confront the infidelity.

Right now he’s offering you the FREE “7 Types of Affairs Cheat Sheet,” a solid beginning point to identify which type of affair best fits your circumstances and the patterns of your spouse..

This Cheat Sheet introduces you to a new world of understanding infidelity that flies in the face of much conventional advice.

Get on the right track now.

Feel better. Understand. Feel the pain evaporate.