Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Jerk your Cheating Spouse with Precise Words

Just imagine knowing the exact precise words that will jerk your cheating spouse to attention and throw a monkey wrench into their affair activities.

Let’s talk about Words.

Can you make your spouse change? No. You are not responsible for their decisions.

However, you can influence your spouse.

And, that’s what you’ve been trying to do, but haven’t hit upon the powerful, targeted, get-and-keep-their-attention, strike-to-the-heart-of-the-matter WORDS.

What words do you use? What words carry the magic and power to reach down and touch the heart and soul of your cheating spouse, to help them see the folly of their decision?

Saying, “I love you?” Saying you’ve changed? Saying you can work it out? Saying you have so much to lose?

No. No. No. and No.

Your words must be tailored to the specific motives and mental framework of your cheating spouse.

All other words are merely desperate noise and are like banging your head against a verbal wall.

Dr. Huizenga has researched and specialized in infidelity and helped thousands as a Marriage and Family Therapist.

He’s uncovered 3 Keys that unlock for you a new world of words, feelings and actions that can dramatically turn tables in 48 hours.

One of the Keys is understanding the EXACT motives for you spouse’s affair.

Once you understand the type of internal motor that fuels your spouse’s behavior you can formulate the specific words and phrases that makes them raise their eyebrows.

And, you nail down their specific internal motor by determining the type of affair.

Dr. Huizenga’s cutting edge research has uncovered 7 unique types of affairs. Knowing the type of affair is a beginning point for your discovery of Key Power Words that will shake your spouse’s infidelity world.

Right now he’s offering you the FREE “7 Types of Affairs Cheat Sheet,” a solid beginning point to identify which type of affair best fits your circumstances, and move from there to crafting powerful words.

This Cheat Sheet introduces you to a new world (and language) of confronting your spouse’s infidelity with power and effectiveness.

Get on the right track now.

No more confusion. No more using limp sweet sounding but totally weak words.