Saturday, May 28, 2016

Eight Smart Tips To Manage Monthly Salary

For you are a worker or employee, when the payday into a moment of the most awaited monthly. When it's time, you will feel proud of what is obtained after hard work for a month. However, after getting a paycheck, what to do with the money?

Just maybe, you've been restrained so as not to purchase a number of items that have been dreaming about for so long. For example, like to buy a new phone, new clothes, or to invite friends to eat at the restaurant.

Whether you want to spend your paycheck just for things that nature is not so important? You're supposed to be wiser in regulating finance today, so that the financial conditions for the future could be more awake. There are still many other needs are more needed.

For that, before deciding to want to spend the salary it brings, it's worth a look at eight tips smart in salary the following.

1. Main priorities

The first thing to note when first received salary, it would be better if made a priority on matters that must be met. Examples include the monthly bills, ranging from electric bills, internet, water, and more.

Also make sure there will not be any more bills that missed. For the next step to do is to pay the debts, because it is certainly more important to be filled. Do not let the debt owned by growing a lot, and will eventually be wrapped around you.

2. Set the spending

Already can not unavoidable, that spending being the top priority which should be getting the attention. Arrange the best possible expenditure, but that does not mean you cannot enjoy results of exertion during work.

Buy goods that are more needed, most importantly should be able to keep your appetite in buying goods that are not so important. Create a budget of the salary received for spending a maximum of 40 percent, it has also been included in expenses to indulge.

3. Financial report

Making financial statements also became important in regulating personal finance. Try to always take note of all the revenue and expenditure as well as daily necessities. For example the need to eat every day, perhaps it is trivial, but with familiarize to take note of the financial report, you will be better able to appreciate any money spent. To facilitate that, save proof of groceries in a container or a place with a record of other expenses.

4. Insurance

This is has been the obligation of you to follow an insurance. Later the existence of insurance will provide more protection against the financial circumstances in the future. Of course you'll never know what will happen in the future, there is generally some type of insurance existing in Indonesia, the most important must-have is the life insurance, health, home, and also a vehicle.

5. Investment

The investment is one of the ways to further improve the earnings received. At least you are trying to set aside 30 percent of income to invest.

If your salary is great, try to make an investment in the form of stocks or property. But must also learn to continue to oversee the investment. Conversely, if the salary is quite small, owned the investment in the form of mutual funds do, gold, or deposits.

6. Saving

Saving is one of liability to do in regulating finance. There are many benefits that can be felt in terms of saving, in the old days later surely you crave the quiet life while enjoying living with beloved family.

We recommend that from now on, specify the target age of financially free, the more money that had accumulated in a savings account, then the quicker in reaching financially free.

7. Reserve Fund

Reserve Fund will serve as an intermediary that facilitates You in when there are things that are unexpected. For example when there are family members who are sick or having an accident accident. You can use those funds to be used as treatment, set aside a Fund of at least 10 percent of the salary earned as a reserve fund.

8. Set aside for charity

Many alternative ways that could be made to work, one way with the pursuit to set aside 2.5 per cent of the monthly salary. Doing this kind of thing regularly each month, with the charity also indirectly you will help lighten the load loads of people who are experiencing difficulties.

In addition, you will also understand how the meaning of a struggle, so that later on you will be better able to appreciate the income received.