Thursday, August 27, 2015

Free Internet Marketing Coaching - and a whole lot more!

I figured you might be thrilled to see this, so I thought I'd send the link....

A couple of full time marketers I know have just built a new site that I reckon will become an authority site in the internet marketing field.

Craig Dawber and John Chadwick have put their combined knowledge into a site to help everyone at all levels of IM. BUT - the really unique spin they have is that it have a great 12 week coaching course that can guide anyone to their first profits online....

HERE'S the Unique part:
Where most would charge hundreds for a coaching course this detailed, These guys are GIVING it Away for FREE!

Why they would give out a quality course like this is a little strange when they could easily charge good money?

But hey - I'm not about to lecture them. They've been making a fulltime income for long enough to know what they're doing!

All I'd suggest is that you pop along and grab it while it's going. Take what you can from it and see if you can figure how they plan to make money with this strange strategy.

There could be a lesson in that itself?

P.S. It really is FR'EE, and it really is a complete course... No Strings attached!

Internet Marketing Apprentice