Friday, July 24, 2015

Where Will You Be When the Drones Attack?

On March 19, 2015, Amazon got permission from the US Federal Aviation Association to start testing their delivery drones.

The FAA issued Amazon a special certificate to conduct outdoor research, testing and training on their whirring litle "octocopters"

So my question to you is, "Where are your drones?"

You don't have any?

It's a question that really only applies to you if you sell an inexpensive (less than $500) physical product that can be put in a box and shipped.

If you sell a product like that, I have one word of advice for you:


Then find another business.

Amazon owns that future. You need to move on.

What will a drone future mean for your business?

Amazon has the ability to automate the competition (you) right into oblivion.

Drones are not just about fast delivery. They are about Amazon's ability to own the future.

You must find an alternate future.

A future where you sell high-priced, high-profit experiences and training. Things that Amazon cannot sell.
MTTB is drone-proof.

Check it out here.