Sunday, July 19, 2015

What curve are you on?

Whenever you start a new venture, you're on a curve.

Some call it a learning curve.

But not all learning curves are the same.

Some are logarithmic. 
Some are exponential.

What's the difference?

A logarithmic curve starts out FAST and then slows down.

Logarithmic curves occur when you learn a new language, start a fitness program or take up a musical instrument.

You get results very fast at the beginning but then your returns diminish.

An exponential curve starts slow and then speeds up.

Businesses generally follow this pattern.

If they can survive the "slow" part at the beginning, they eventually speed up. Things get easier, results come faster.

If you're considering starting a new business, you MUST know that you're going to be on an exponential curve. The beginning will be slow. Sometimes PAINFULLY slow.

Unless you take steps to speed through that initial slow period.

The best way to do this is to avoid markets, products, and businesses that have gently sloping curves...and find one that has a steeper curve.
MTTB's 21 steps get you through the slow, shallow part of the learning curve faster than any other online system I've seen.

In fact, they get you through that part of the curve so fast that I guarantee you'll make a commission in 30 days or you get 10 times your money back.

Knowing how to ride the curve can be the difference between financial freedom and 9 to 5 captivity.